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Avanzada 7 is 10 years old

Avanzada 7 celebrating our 10th anniversary

We're celebrating our 10th anniversary

10 años - Avanzada 7

To reach 10 years is a milestone in our still short life. This engineering company was born in March 1st, 2002, with the "leit motiv" of being an outsourcing team for hardware and software R&D projects, and it has been transforming, without losing that initial philosophy, into a products and services distributor for telephony professionals.

Asterisk was a key inflection point in this adventure. It helped us focus in communications, from the wide spectrum of projects we worked in, and set the basement of a channel and professional links which, today, are our best value.

Thanks to you, Avanzada 7 customers, providers, collaborators and friends for all this time and time to come.

Today, we work with more than 70 represented brands and 3CX, Switchvox, Cisco or Epygi coexist with Asterisk in healthy competition.

New look!

Logo vertical - Avanzada 7

We have restyled our brand with more rounded shapes and changing the black colour with green, evoking youth, technology and naturalness we identify with. You will see it appearing gradually in our web, email signatures and rest of our corporate communication elements. Do you like it? Please, give us your feedback via Facebook or Twitter!

The Avanzada 7 team
