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VOZ.COM will be Gold Sponsor in their third consecutive year in VoIP2DAY

VOZ.COM will be Gold Sponsor in VoIP2DAY - 2015

VOZ.COM, Gold sponsor in VoIP2DAY 2015

It's clear that there's no two without three! One more time, for third consecutive year, our good friends of VOZ.COM choose VoIP2DAY team. We are very happy with their decission!

Rober Rodríguez (CEO) of VOZ.COM, dedicated those words that are also directed to all companies who have joined us in each edition:

"To publicize the innovations that our industry is able to generate annualy is vital to have a forum of participations like VoIP2DAY. Its added value is precisely that, in each edition, reinforces its objective: disseminating and sharing the steps from Telephony and Communications. VoIP2DAY goes far beyond that any other business meeting".

We already have our capain of 2015!

More info in here if you want to be part of our Champions League!

Don't forget to follow in social networks with #VoIP2DAY15
